Monday, 31 December 2012

Uncharted Seas Redux

Here we are as promised with the Uncharted Seas minis.

For those of you with long memories I got into Uncharted Seas when it first came out and I got the original Orc box set when it was released. We all enjoyed the game at the club and I ran a big league a couple of years ago, then things quietened down and my models ended up in the loft where they sat until I saw Spartan were bringing out a hardback rulebook and as I hadn't picked up the 2nd edition softcover I decided to pick it up and expand my force.

However my original Orc fleet was the old, hand sculpted style and Spartan had since moved over to computer designed models and re-released the whole range and I REALLY liked the new models. But I thought “you know what I'll just get the new models for the ships I don't have and nothing else”. That's when I remembered I'd based all my original models on plasticard with sculpted greentuff waves. Well after an evening of trying to replicate the effect on one of the old models I hadn't got round to completing the first time out I realised I was going to go nuts doing it with all the models and I'd never get anything done, plus I REALLY liked the new models...

So I ended up replacing everything I had with the new versions and I have to say I'm very glad I did, the computer design is superb and a whole level above the old stuff.

So, without further ado, here's my new, old fleet:


I still want to put some kind of iconography on the sails but i haven't worked out what I want to do yet.

If you're curious about the differences between the old and new versions here are some comparisons:

As you can see the level of detail and scale on the newer models is vastly superior, even the pewter sails have more definition.

Anyway I hope you all like.

More soon.


Sunday, 30 December 2012

A Couple of Belated Welcomes

First up I'd like to extend a very belated welcome to my newest followers, Christopher and Brummie, thank you for showing an interest in my mini dabblings.

Next I'd like to apologise to everyone for the lack of updates for the past three months. Unfortunately real life has not been kind and at the beginning of December, following a brief illness, we had a death in the family that came as a complete shock to all of us.

The whole thing has knocked me sideways, particularly considering the time of year, and quite frankly my priorities have not included much hobby related stuff, although in the brief moments when I've found a little piece a few bits and bobs have been done or started.

Anyway, rather than this post becoming maudlin I'd like to assure everyone that, whilst not at my best, my love of the hobby is still strong and I am picking myself up, dusting myself off and getting back in the saddle, (and mixing my metaphors apparently), and have a few ideas in the pipeline for the coming year.

First up though, hopefully tomorrow, I'll finally post up the Uncharted Seas pics that have been sitting in my camera for the past couple of months, possibly along with a couple of new Pulp City minis, though they may get their own post a day or so later, I haven't decided yet.

So until then, take care.