Here you go, enjoy.
One thing I have noticed about my current PC selection is that I am lacking a decent number of outright villains, so once the store reopens I intend to correct that oversight on my part.
On the roleplay front I've completed the models I need to complete the adventure now, first up are a group of Gnolls from Otherworld Miniatures:
The leader of the pack
The rank and file
All 7 were painted using the speed painting method I mentioned before and I am really happy with the way they turned out.
Also finished are the 6 Heresy Blights:
For my first attempts at speed painting I think these guy's were perfect. nothing too intricate on them and lots of light and dark areas that came out nicely. I liked these models a lot before I bought them and if I can figure out a use for them I'll definitely be picking up some more.
Also finished are my 2 other demons:
Minor Fallen One - Heresy Miniatures
Type I Demon - Otherworld Miniatures
I really like how both have come out though I wish I'd been a little more adventurous with the wings on the Otherworld mini, maybe next time.
So, that's a fair bit finished with more to come. It's going to be interesting to see how many figures I get finished before the end of the year.
Onto the WiP stuff now, currently getting painted up (in no particular order) are:
Trail - Pulp City.
Pulse Emitter, Teleport Anchor and Spy Bot's - Pulp City resources.
Two old Rackham mini's that may see action in the finale of my current DnD adventure.
Trail may look like I had no idea what I was doing colour-wise when I started painting him...and you'd be right, however, bearing in mind the game is currently set in the '80s and Trail's something of a media celebrity I decided that he has fallen into the fashion trap that a lot of celebrities fell into in the '80s, thinking they looked fantastic no matter what they wore...he can regret it in the '90s, for now though he thinks he's pretty fly ;)
The resources are coming along nicely, I need to start coming up with ideas for the others in the book now.
The two Rackham models have been sitting around for ages and it's nice to get some paint on them (or repaint in the Aberrations case), hoping these two will be finished by the end of the week.
I also decided I needed a change in my painting subjects for a little bit so I dug out my Hasslefree Miniatures bag yesterday and stuck a few of their adventures onto bases and dug out the 7 HF zombies I base coated ages ago in order to try and paint them up over the next couple of weeks, watch this space.
Anyway, that's all for now, hope to have more soon.
Take care.
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