I've already put the finished pictures up over on my Displaced Miniatures page (link in the right-hand margin) and you can also see them over on the Pulp City Forum &/or Lead Adventures Forum threads.
I really enjoyed painting Nuke especially & it really fired me up to get more done, so I've already moved onto the next two PC minis, Howler & Francis Gator:
As well as these two, I've also prepped the next three PC figures to undercoat, Virus, Apebot & Guerilla:
The Lamppost on Apebot's base is from Fenris Games Street Furniture range (the same company provided all the base insert for my PC minis.
All this has meant that the Minotaur that I originally began to break my block with hasn't been finished yet, but I'm still doing bits on him here & there as you can see below:
I've still got to figure out what I'm doing with his snout, but everything else is pretty much sorted & hopefully the next week or so should see him completed.
Anyway, the important thing is 4 more completed minis to add to my yearly tally, with a fair few more on the horizon Woo-and indeed-Hoo :)
Should have more for you all next week.
Looks like your ARC apes will be a pretty numerically solid faction in short order. They are shaping up to lokk excelelnt. Great stuff.
Great to see things going well on the painting front.
Love the skin tones on that Gator guy. Very cool.
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