So recently my hobby time has been affected somewhat by illness, but that seems to be past so I have been getting back to Pulp City and I will be demoing the game at the club this Tuesday when I'll be giving Rob a game.
With that in mind I've spent part of the week getting my Pulp City house in order (as it were), I've put together a reference sheet that includes the new rules, printed out all the cards that I downloaded some time ago and got them all cut out and laminated and finally went back over the rules and popped onto the PC forum to clarify a few things (thanks again for your help Leon).
I was feeling a quite pleased with myself and really looking forward to Tuesday, then this morning I went to put my finished cards in the box with my models and discovered that all the minis had got a dirty yellow tint to them, most notable on Gentleman and Solar as they are both predominantly white, but all of them have been affected to a greater or lesser extent.
It appears that for some reason that the varnish has reacted with the corrugated plastic of the box they were in (a Figures in Comfort Company Box which I picked up a little while ago), the plastic of the box has discoloured in a similar way to the models and unfortunately having tried a suggestion given to me over on Lead Adventure Forum to try and clean it off that didn't work it looks like I've got a bit of repainting to do in my future :(
Still, I'm not going to let it get me down, I still get to play my first game proper on Tuesday and I'm excited about it, plus I've almost got a couple more figures ready to go.
First up is Apebot:
The big lad is basically done, finally. This is the 3rd lot of paint I've put on him now and whilst I'm still not 100% sure I like it, I'm a lot happier than I was with the last two attempts. The lamppost is from Fenris Games. I just need to get him varnished (though I may re-highlight the red first...I haven't decided yet).
On the painting table at the moment is the chap that started this whole trip to Pulp City in the first place, Guerilla:
I'm really happy with the way he's coming along and I reckon a couple of more hours work should see him done plus an hour or so for the base, hopefully I'll be able to field him Tuesday night, we shall see.
Anyway, that's it for now, I do have a few more thing bubbling away but more on them next time.
Take care.